The 7 Weirdest, Most Unexpected Explosions That Happened In Real Life
Some of the most unassuming things in the world can sometimes get bored and think, "You know what? I think I'd rather be an explosion." And then they become one.
5 Crappy Toys That People Hacked Into Awesomeness
Hey, toys are awesome and all ... but unless it can shoot flames out of its face or act as a legitimate spy device, don't @ me.
5 Weird Secret Codes Found In Unexpected Places
It turns out there are secret codes all around us. They might not be world-changing, but they definitely exist.
5 Real, Creative Punishments The Law Handed Out To Morons
Sometimes, the most creative, sharp-witted rogues are actually sitting with a gavel in their hand.
Special Feature: Which President Would Win In A Real Life Game Of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds?
In honor of President's Day, enjoy this special feature from Justin R. Young and John Teasdale. We humbly apologize for the weird dreams you're going to have from it.
5 People Who Won Big By Manipulating The System
In our eyes, these are true rogues who set the bar for the rest of us. They demonstrate rule manipulation at its finest.
Hilariously Stupid Weapons Someone Thought Would Actually Work In Battle
From tiny tanks to guns that would shoot everyone around you ... including yourself.
The 6 Craziest Things People Have Made In Prison
“I’m bored. What to make a computer and break into the prison network?”
How To Create Your Own Signature Cocktail
Inventing a new drink isn't all that hard, as long as you know the basics.
5 Ridiculous Cybercrimes You’ll Be Amazed Were Pulled Off
Why carry all those heavy bags of money when computers exist? That's just wasted energy.
Ridiculous Secrets From The CIA's Handbook Of "Trickery And Deception"
The CIA once worked hand in hand with a famous magician, to learn the art of trickery and deception. That sounds like a joke, but it's absolutely true.
Awful Pranks That Backfired So Hard, They Made The News
Pranks basically have two rules: 1) Be funny, and 2) don't get people sued or thrown in jail. Nobody told these people that.
5 Kids More Badass Than Most Adults
These kids have accomplished more before driving age than some adults will in a lifetime.
From Batteries To Plastic Wrap: 5 Ways Science Is Making Our Garbage Edible
At some point in the near future, you can be your own trash can.
Where's All The Cool SciFi Stuff We Were Promised As Kids? Well, Actually ...
Where's our flying cars? Jet packs? Laser guns? Don't worry, they're here. And they're becoming more awesome by the day.
5 Real Smuggling Schemes That Sound Totally Made Up
Some of these smuggling schemes are ingenious. Some are just plain weird. But none of them sound real. They are, though.
How To Talk About Beer Without Sounding Like A Snob
Every party comes equipped with at least one guy who sounds like a beer encyclopedia. Here's what you need to know in order to keep up without sounding like a beer snob.
5 People Who Took Con Artistry To Crazy New Heights
These scams were so huge and ridiculous that we can't even be mad at the guys who attempted them.
5 People Who Wanted More From Nintendo (Then Made It Themselves)
If you have a little patience and some technical aptitude, you can Dr. Frankenstein some of your Nintendo stuff into things that you’d never find on a GameStop display.
The Weirdest Products That Scammers Have Counterfeited
Some people just sidestep counterfeiting cash, which is hard, and counterfeit random things they can sell for cash, which can be way easier ... and way weirder.