5 Comically Insane War Tactics That Actually Worked
Absolutely nothing is off the table when it comes to creative wartime shenanigans.
The Craziest Ways Creatures Were Utilized For War
Humans have always been pretty creative, and especially so when it comes to war tactics.
5 Weird Side Effects Of War
War is the worst. But occasionally it results in the most unexpected things happening.
The 5 Most Badass Women In Spy History
These ladies spied it up so hard, it would melt a Nazi’s face clean off. CLEAN OFF!
6 Huge Weapons Of War You Could Actually Buy
When we heard that citizens could buy military weapons, we weren't all that surprised. Until we found out that those weapons were full-on warships, jets, missile launchers ...
Hilariously Stupid Weapons Someone Thought Would Actually Work In Battle
From tiny tanks to guns that would shoot everyone around you ... including yourself.