5 Comically Insane War Tactics That Actually Worked
Absolutely nothing is off the table when it comes to creative wartime shenanigans.
5 Badass Celebrities Who Were Also Secretly Spies
Being a good spy requires the ability to blend in. Or for some, the ability to be the center of attention.
5 Insane Conspiracy Theories That Went Viral Before The Internet
History didn’t need social media to spread ridiculous stories.
5 Hilariously Specific Uses For Food Throughout History
Throughout history, food was often the answer to the questions nobody was asking.
5 Everyday Foods That Are Way Older Than You Think
Thousands of years ago, people were eating pretty much exactly what you’re eating right now.
5 Old Controversies That Are Laughably Ridiculous
Sure, times were different in the past. But logic should have come into play at some point during history’s weird panics.
How Malaria Helped Shape America Itself
History is long and complicated. And occasionally, the most unexpected things help guide it.
4 Badass LGBT Women Who Helped Shape The Course Of American History
Some people have to overcome way more than others, in order to change history in badass ways.
5 Weird Side Effects Of War
War is the worst. But occasionally it results in the most unexpected things happening.
The Weirdest Plans Ever Conceived By Real Governments
Sure, there are backdoor antics that happen in any government. These, however, are just plain odd.
5 Average People Who Became Rulers By Sheer Chance
Some people daydream about what it would mean to be royalty. These folks happened into it by complete accident.
Soooo ... History Was Way Weirder Than We Thought
Can’t afford a train ticket? No worries; the United States Postal Service will deliver your kid for fifty cents.
Incredible Ways People Escaped History's Most Hellish Regimes
Hollywood couldn’t create a piece of fiction more incredible than what these people did in real life.
Weird, Unexpected Origins Of 5 Common Things
You think you at least have a rough idea of where common stuff comes from … but then when you look at the history books, things get weird.
Legendary Badasses Whose Stories Were Buried By Racism
One thing you learn as you get older: History has many editors, and they love using that delete key.
4 Historical Thieves We Just Can't Bring Ourselves To Hate
The Modern Rogue will never, ever condone stealing. But we have to admit that not every thief is a black-hearted ball of evil. Sometimes, they’re these people …
5 Disabled Rogues Who Kicked History's Ass
When someone tells a rogue that he or she can’t do something, the correct response is to give them the finger and do that thing right in their face.
4 Jesters Who Were Straight-Up Badasses
You know those standup comedians who joke about being total wusses in real life? Yeah, these guys weren’t one of those.
5 Board Games With Dark Pasts
Some of our most innocent games come with fairly dark backstories. Like the time Scrabble had to remove 200 offensive words from their official dictionary.