5 Horror Movie Clichés That Actually Happened
We all know those horror movie plots are totally fake. Except for these times in history when they weren’t.
The Weirdest Plans Ever Conceived By Real Governments
Sure, there are backdoor antics that happen in any government. These, however, are just plain odd.
6 Bizarre Abuses Of Power By Famous Dictators’ Kids
If absolute power corrupts absolutely, then daddy having power corrupts rather stupidly.
Incredible Ways People Escaped History's Most Hellish Regimes
Hollywood couldn’t create a piece of fiction more incredible than what these people did in real life.
Legendary Badasses Whose Stories Were Buried By Racism
One thing you learn as you get older: History has many editors, and they love using that delete key.
5 Disabled Rogues Who Kicked History's Ass
When someone tells a rogue that he or she can’t do something, the correct response is to give them the finger and do that thing right in their face.